
Lewis Price has a big problem. After single-handedly thwarting a bank robbery, he is expected to give testimony during the upcoming trial, since he is the only reliable eyewitness to the robbery attempt. The district attorney has gone missing, and the assistant DA has reservations regarding whether Lewis will hold up on the stand since he has only recently been released from a mental institution. According to his medical records, Lewis Price is bipolar.

None of those things are the big problem. In actuality, Lewis is not bipolar. The people he sees and hears—that no one around him sees or hears—are not figments of his imagination. Lewis has a rare gift, or is it a curse? He can see and hear ghosts. There is an insistent ghost in the high desert community of Joshua Tree who requires assistance, and Lewis Price is his choice to assist.

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Quentin Eckman creates a relatable, imaginative storyline set in Joshua Tree National Park and explains the history of the area. The majestic beauty of the trails, well-known rock formations, vistas, and spectacular meteor showers in the high desert is the ideal backdrop for Lewis Price, who wants to retire peacefully.  Price settles in the small town near the park and rents a room from a charming widow. He was recently released from a mental hospital with medication to treat his bipolar diagnosis of talking to people no one sees. The once famed ball player reacts unexpectedly to a bank robber when waiting to deposit his first retirement check. The bank situation sets off a chain of events that pull listeners into the story in the first few minutes. Price later connects with a man who resembles a bygone-era prospector stuck in the afterlife.

Each of the characters, from Price to Bill Keys to his landlady and to the bank robber work, interact in concert to deliver this delightful, action-packed adventure. Brisk dialogue with touches of honesty, anger, humor, and regret teases out the history of people and places to put readers or listeners inside the three-dimensional world in The Dead Giveaway. The story has several exciting twists of multiple story threads that meet in the unexpected conclusion.

Dave Cruse gives a solid rendition of the story with appropriate raspy voices of age, hints of anger, and flawless intonations to bring this ghost story to life. There were no issues with the quality of the audiobook and the performance perfectly complimented a delightful story. Fans of crime and mystery genres will enjoy The Dead Giveaway, and look forward to more fiction by Quentin Eckman.

The first draft of this latest novel is being written a chapter at a time on Kindle Vella. Join the fun, as Jack Jackson, a former lumberjack, learns the rules of time-travel the hard way.



Jack Jackson is a Jack-of-all-Trades. Due to a tragic logging accident, that nearly ended his life, Jack has acquired a strange new skill. He discovers that he can now travel in time. The problem? He has no idea how it works. This story is available on Kindle Vella in episode form. The first three episodes are available free of charge. To read additional episodes you use tokens supplied by Amazon.


This is the first installment of a series. The final version of book one will be published on Amazon with hopeful publication in the Spring of 2024.

An unlucky gambler, the essence of an alien being, and a brilliant, beautiful, doctoral candidate embark on an adventure unlike any they could imagine.

This a story about a gambler who was very lucky for a long time, then very unlucky for just long enough to find himself in serious trouble.

This also is the story of a young woman of surpassing beauty and remarkable intelligence, sometimes known as Ringo. Her father, the world’s greatest Beatles fan, is in the declining stages of dementia.

This is also a story about an alien from a planet twelve lightyears from Earth tasked with the unenviable undertaking to repair the damage he caused to Earth thousands of years ago.